Volunteers operate our museum, and we encourage you to consider being part of the team. Troops are invited to contact us about making a display and individual adults of every age are needed and appreciated. Short term and continuing helpers are wanted.
Short Term Projects
If you are interested in any of these projects, or would like more information, call Joni Morgan at 865-617-4353 or email jpmorgan06@comcast.net.
Writer/Editor – 2 Projects
In order to best protect and maintain their historic collection, the museum is looking for someone to help them write and edit an Emergency Preparedness plan.
Informative resources and basic draft available. No training needed. An interest in technical writing is helpful. It can be done mostly at home if desired. Some research will need to be done at the Knoxville Service Center.
Those who are interested in fashion might like to help develop 'history' cards for the uniform collection, to tell the girls more about what was special about each one. Again, can be done mostly at home if desired.
Social Media Coordinator
Create and share content, and spread news about the museum via Facebook!
Vintage Uniform Fashion Coordinator
Have you been to the Girl Scout museum and seen the vintage uniforms? There are over 500 uniforms, and the collection actually dates back to 1920. The collection has grown over the years due to generous donations from the public, and is maintained by the current museum volunteers.
The Fashion Coordinator would be responsible for sorting donated pieces, dating uniform pieces, pairing accessories with the correct uniforms, and overall collection maintenance.
No training needed. On-the-job training is the best way - and we have lots of resources, catalogs and other documents available for reference.
Memorabilia Master
The museum receives frequent and thoughtful donations of Girl Scout memorabilia like canteens and other camp items, handbooks, and jewelry from the public.
The items need to be sorted, dated, and cataloged. There are many boxes of treasures and nostalgia to look through.
This project may take several months to complete a review of what's in the treasure boxes, and to catalog what's been donated recently.